meet the chief terrell bolton meet him now meet the chief of the county called dekalb meet the chief terrell bolton meet him now meet the chief meet the chief of dekalb they call him the chief terrell every job on the force he does it well appointed in 2k6 commands the police force 1200 thick serving seven hundred thousand men women children in the county of dekalb bet you wonder why the chief always smiles cuz his county two hundred seventy square miles was the chief in dallas texas till he made his graceful exit revitalizing cpp was his legacy put the youth on horseback coming from the mean streets a 27 year career litany of commendations still participating here in 92 he was the man of the year from the south dallas professional women's club jea his meticulous philosophy for quality follows him around because it is such a big part of he he came from mississippi - attended jackson state he earned a bachelors in criminal justice oh wait he also graduated from the fbi holds a plethora of certifications and you can see why his alma mader is proud to have him as an alumni frat end in beta sigma but it starts with phi